Our integrated solutions include:

Performance Improvement Diagnostic: Change industry boundaries to redefine full potential

Cost and Capability Assessment: Quick diagnostic to identify immediate and longer-term opportunities

Sustained Cost Transformation: Transform the cost structure across the organization to obtain cost leadership and gain competitive advantage

Complexity Management: Effectively manage all elements of complexity to unlock value and turbocharge the organization

High Velocity Performance System: Implement processes and systems to engage the front-line in continuous improvement and learning cycles through high velocity feedback loops

Business Process Redesign: Achieve operational excellence at a company’s most critical processes to deliver high quality service at a competitive cost

Capability Sourcing: Acquire the right capabilities from the right source, and the right shore, at the right price

Cash and Capital Management: Create cash visibility and a disciplined capital allocation process


Our point solutions include:


Procurement: Make procurement a source of competitive advantage by finding quick cash and building procurement capabilities

Supply Chain Management: Turn supply chain into a source of competitive advantage for meeting short- and long-term cost, flexibility and service-level goals

Manufacturing Optimization: Optimize the manufacturing footprint and shop-floor operations

Service Operations: Deliver the promised customer experience at the right cost across service channels

G&A Optimization & Org Design: Create lasting improvements in efficiency and effectiveness of G&A functions, aligning process goals to business objectives

R&D/Product Development: Optimize the R&D function to maximize the return on investment in R&D